Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Ugly, The Bad, and The Good.

          This post isn't so much going to be a story, as it is an observation I have made. I'm going to explain the relationship between myself and my siblings. As well as our own unique qualities. I am the oldest of us. Than came my sister Chelsea and than my brother Nick. I would say that it took my parents three tries to create what some would consider to be a perfect child.
          I was the first to come along and brought with me both physical and mental problems. Some of the physical problems I have include, but are not limited to scoliosis, a hole in my diaphragm, and a punctured lung. This has led to frequent trips to the hospital and undergoing various medical treatments. However, now that I am older I don't need to deal with any more major medical issues.
          My mental problems include, but are not limited to obsessive compulsive disorder, dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, and hyperactivity. Most people would never know I had these problems unless they were told or if I took my shirt off and they saw my multiple scars from surgery. I have these traits to thank for making my life as adventurous as it is.
          My sister was the next to arrive. She just brought with her the mental side of the problems. She has similar mental problems as me, but arguably a bit worse. The reason they are worse is because they have a greater impact on her life, causing her to make rash decisions and dealing with extreme mood-swings. This can drive the people around her absolutely insane. I have had plenty of guys tell me how good looking my sister is and how they would love to go out with her. If only they knew what they would be getting themselves into.
          Finally came our little brother. He was born with none of our faults and some of our strengths, along with his own of course. He is smart, funny, rational, calm, and athletic. He is the all around perfect kid with hardly any problems. As my friend Dave once said to me "If there is anything Nicky ever did wrong, I am convinced that you or Chelsea somehow dragged him into it".
          So there you have it. There's me "the ugly", Chelsea "the bad", and Nick "the good". The reason I made this post is because I wanted to use it as an introduction for future stories that are about my brother and sister. On the chance that one of my siblings is reading this, I want you to know that I love you both very much.

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