About Me

Hey guys, my name is Christopher Cavalier. Before I start chatting about myself, I would like to thank you for visiting my blog. Please don't hesitate to leave comments or try contacting me, I appreciate any feedback I can get from you. Any way, where do I begin with this? I guess a good place to start would be why I decided to create this blog in the first place. I guess it all started when I was forced to create this blog for a college project. The goal had been to teach us about how to market ourselves online. Beings that I was in the radio program, I didn't see how creating a blog would be helpful. So after the class was over, I never touched this blog again. Over a year later I was in a Radio/TV program at another college. During one of my classes, a teacher tried to drill the point into our head that everything media related was going online. So after his encouragement I started an online talk radio show called "The Den of Bones". You can hear the show at "Blog Talk Radio.com". On the show I talk about weird news that is going on in the world. After a few months of the show, I decided that I wanted to expand my online presence. So I came back to this blog and trashed all the previous work I had done on it. I wanted to rebuild it from scratch with information that I thought people might enjoy. It was a long process trying to decided what I could write about. It was hard to pick a topic because it seemed like everything I thought of was already being written about and by people that probably knew more about it than I did. It than occurred to me that people have complemented me by saying that I have great life stories to tell. I decided to recreate this blog by writing about the insane and funny things I have had to deal with in my life. So far it has been a success and my amount of viewers increases each month. So again, thank you for making this work. On a final note, I originally created this blog for the entertainment purposes of others. But after writing this long, this blog has become a collection of some of my most cherished life memories.