Monday, December 5, 2011

The Most Honest Answer Anyone Could Have Ever Given

          This story took place last summer during the big hurricane scare. I was on my most recent camping trip with Dave and his father. We also had our friend Bret and a newcomer named Lee. So we were on this trip up north, in the middle of nowhere, knowing full well that the hurricane could be tearing our homes apart.
          Dave's dad wasn't too concerned, he felt that the media was just making a big deal out out of the whole thing. Dave was worried about the loss of his house since he lived by the beach. The other two were worried they were going to lose their cars because they had left them parked in Dave's driveway. I had decided to leave my car at Dave's dads house, which was on the mainland. So I figured the worst and best thing that could happen, would be if a tree fell on my car and I was be able to make an insurance claim.
          Anyway, it's the day the hurricane is supposed to be destroying New Jersey and we're all out fishing on a lake. Dave's dad was fishing in a small motor boat, while we had a bigger one. We used a pair of walky talkies to stay in contact with each other. All of a sudden we hear the crackling of the walky talky turning on. "Hey, Chris" I heard Dave's dads say. I walked over and picked up the walky talky. "Yea?" I asked. "I've got a question for you" he said "have you called you're parents yet?". "No" I said. "Why not?" he asked. "Cause I don't want to" I said. "Aren't you curious to see how they're doing?" he asked. "No" I answered. "But what if they're dead?" he jokingly said. "If they're dead, I don't want to know about it" I said "I'm having a good time right now and I don't need the news of their demise ruining it. I'll be able to find out if they're alive when we get back home and deal with it than, but right now I'm enjoying myself". Everyone burst out laughing after hearing that. "That is the most honest answer anyone could have ever given" Dave said through his laughter. Just so you're not left wondering, I did call my parents that night and they were fine.

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