Saturday, May 28, 2011

My First Car Crash Part 1

          As you may learned at this point I am a person that values going through out of the ordinary experiences. While I don't always choose or even like the situations that I get into, I like the fact that I had the chance to live through them. This may sound strange, but as a kid I was alway curious what it would be like to be in a car crash. Now I never wanted anybody to get hurt and would never do it intentionally, but I thought it would be a worthwhile experience. As a kid I had always thought that if I were in a crash somebody else would be at the wheel and it would be just a fender bender. Well, about two years after I got my license I got my wish, only I was at the wheel and it was much more than a fender bender.
          On that day my friend Dave, a girl we knew, and I decided that we wanted to go for a drive around my area. We wanted to explore the back roads in the woods and enjoy the nice weather. On this day I was driving my jeep with our female friend sitting on my front passenger side and Dave was following us from behind in his jeep. Most of the roads that we were driving on were paved so it was easy to maintain control, but eventually the pavement dropped off and was replaced by gravel. This made it much more difficult for my tires to gain traction.
          As we were driving we started approaching a tight turn on the road. So as I began the turn I slowed down to the usual pace I do. But because of the gravel on the road I was still going too fast for my tires to catch. I felt my tires start to slide and realized that my jeep was going to go off the road if I didn't do something. Now this is the part that my friend Dave likes to make fun of me for whenever we talk about that day. He says "Any NORMAL person that feels themselves going off the road would hit the brakes, but not you Chris, you F-ken accelerate". Which is exactly what I did.
          At the time I felt that even if I hit the breaks I was still going off the road, so the only thing to do was to try pull myself away from the edge. So I turned my wheel to the right and hit the gas. My plan worked and I was able to go the other way, only now I was headed off the road in the other direction at an even faster pace. So I turned the wheel again and went back to the left. Again the same thing happened and I went sliding faster. Finally, for the last time I turned back to the right. As I began to move towards the right my jeep started to turn clockwise until I was fly down the road side ways. This time I was going off the road and their was nothing I could do about it.
          But instead of just ending up in a grassy field like I would have, was looking out side my driver side window at a three foot wide tree that was coming at me. The tree was going to hit my driver side door and going probably going to kill me. But the car was still turning as we got closer and instead of hitting my driver side door it hit the passenger door right behind it along with part of the driver side. I hit with so much force that my jeep bounced off the tree and spun into a field.
          When the jeep stopped, the front end was facing the road.  The first thing I noticed was Dave  getting out of his car, my friend frozen in her seat next to me, and the path I had created from the road to the field. I couldn't believe what had just. Everything happened so fast that I could not mentally process what had just happened. I wanted to take a second to get my thoughts together. But before I had time to think, I saw smoke start coming out of the front of my car. This story will be continued in the next post.

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