Saturday, May 7, 2011

Trapped in a Van

          A while back I was an intern at a radio station. I was working in the promotions department so it was my job to go to events and tell people about the station. One day I was sitting with my boss and he asked me to go get something out of our promotional vans and bringing it inside. I don't remember what it was. Happy to help out I got up and headed out. Once I was outside I noticed how hot it was on this summer day, so I was glad that I was working inside.
          I walked up to the back of the van and opened the back doors. I looked around for the item that I needed and saw it sitting towards the front. Without thinking, I hopped into the back of the van and crouched towards the thing I needed. As I was moving I noticed that the daylight behind me was fading. Realizing what was happening I turned to see the doors start to close. I dove at them, but before my body made contact I heard a click. The lock had just barely made it, leaving me with a small crack to the outside. I was trapped.
          Now before I go on let me explain all the problems with the situation that I was in. First, for some reason there was no way to get the back doors open from the inside. Second, there was no light on the inside of the van. Finally, because it was a hot day, the temperature was quickly rising to an unbearable level. This problem had already happened to one girl, but lucky for her we were at an event so one of us was able to let her out. I was in the parking lot with nobody around.
          As I crouched in the dark I thought of all the stories I've heard about kids locking themselves in trunks of cars and there bodies being found days later. In a sudden feeling of panic I started ramming myself into the doors. But it did no good and only made me more tired. I kept myself pressed against the door so that I could get fresh air from the crack. The idea of calling my boss for help came to mind, but I thought it would be pretty stupid to make that call. I than got the idea of calling one of the friends I had on the inside of the station.
          I took out my phone and dialed his number. After hearing the phone ring for a bit, it eventually went to voice mail where I left a message. I than waited for him to call me back. The heat in the van soon became too much and decided I had to do something else. With some level of dread I called my boss. He eventually picked up the phone and asked me where I had been. I told him that I had managed to lock myself in the back of the van and needed him to let me out. He than told me that I should be able to get out of the door from the inside. I replied that there was no way that the back doors could be opened. "No not the back door" he said "The side door". "This van doesn't have a side door" I answered. He than said that the van he directed me to go into had a door that opened up on the side.
          I than used my phone as a source of light as I felt my way through the inside. Sure enough I found a door. Crossing my fingers, I pulled the handle and it opened up. As I stepped into the cool fresh air, happy to be free, I saw the van on the other side that was the one without the side door. I than thanked my boss for the help, grabbed the things I needed, and headed back. I had been locked inside that van for nearly ten minutes.

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