Monday, May 2, 2011

The Most Embarrassing Moment of My Life Part 2

          After deciding to wash my underwear in the sink, I took them off along with my pants. I than turned on the faucet and started washing my underwear with hot water. Than I added soap to the mix in hopes that it would get rid of the stain. While it did get rid of some of it, there were still plenty of spots left. I than tried to use a role of paper towels to get it dry. In the end I was left holding a moist sagging piece of underwear with smears of crap on it. Not knowing what else to do, I put my underwear back on with my pants over top. I than walked back to the classroom doing my best to avoid eye contact when I entered.
          I than walked over to my desk and sat down. At that time I hated sitting with wet clothes or even a bathing-suit. But when I had to sit there with my dirty underwear, I hated it substantial more. Trying to ignore the other kids I heard the teacher call my name. "Chris" she said "Your mother is coming here later with a new pair of clothing for you". So I waited for my mom to arrive, but she didn't arrive any time soon. Eventually it was time for us all to go outside for recess.
          I got up with the rest of the class and we walked outside. While everyone else was playing on the play ground, I stayed by myself messing around on the merry go round. Now to truly understand how awful it was to experience what happened next, you need to get a good image in your head of the school grounds. From left to right it goes the school, the parking lot, the bleachers, the baseball field, and than the playground.
          Now on this day there was a baseball game going on. So the bleachers and the field was filled with all the older kids and some teachers. Because of the vast amount of space between the school and playground, a bull horn was used to make announcements to the kids so that all could hear it. So there I was minding my own business trying not to draw attention when I heard the crackling noise of the bull horn turning on. "Christopher Cavalier" they announced "Your mother is hear with a fresh pair of underwear".
          Being a very shy person at the time no words can describe how I felt, it was hell. There I was with almost every member of the school staring at me. To make matters even worse I had to go through the baseball field, bleachers, parking lot, and than the school just to get away from everyone. After taking the time to absorb the shock of what had just happened, I bolted for the school. I went into a mental shutdown as I ran. I don't remember who was there because all my focus was in my head. I ran passed everyone around me hardly noticing how they were reacting.
          After what seemed like forever I reached the doors of the school. I than ran into the office where my mom was waiting for me with the clothes. I don't remember what happened after that. So that is the story of the most embarrassing moment of my life. Again, feel free to post comments bellow to tell your most embarrassing moment.

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