Saturday, August 6, 2011

Severe Allergic Reaction Part 1

          This story took place yesterday while I was in the processes of writing my previous post alone in my parents beach house. I was writing my final post about Disturbed and Korn when I got hungary and went to get a bite to eat. Because I was in the process of writing I wanted something that I could eat quickly. So I opened up our cabinet to see what we had. After quickly looking for a bit I saw a small container of Slim Jim's on the shelf. I opened the container and took two out. I opened up the wrappers and scarfed them both down. I than went back to my writing.
          About a minute after I started typing I felt a slight tingling in my mouth which turned into an itch. I started gnawing on my tongue to try and scratch it. Than my hands started getting an itchy feeling like they were irritated by something. Thinking that I may have gotten something on them I walked to the sink and started washing my hands. But the irritable feeling started spreading to the rest of my body. It got to the point that it was so bad I decided I needed to stop my writing and take a shower.
          So I stopped my post right in the middle, shut my laptop down, than went to the bathroom hoping I could wash off what ever was wrong with me. As I took my clothes off and stepped into the shower, I noticed that rashes started appearing on my body. I kept the water on cold because my body temperature was starting to rise. As I scrubbed myself with soap I noticed that I wasn't feeling any better. I jumped out of the shower and patted myself down with a towel. I went to look at myself in the mirror and saw that my eyes were flaming red and teary.
          I lightly wrapped the towel around my waist and went to go find some boxers, since I forgot to bring a new pair in with me. So after running around looking for a pair, I settled for a slick pair of shorts since all the boxers I put on irritated my skin. I than ran back upstairs because my body started feeling hotter and I needed a drink of cold water. I went to the sink and drank two cups of ice water.
          While it helped to moisten my throat, my body temperature continued to rise and my heart was starting to race. I felt a panic well up inside me that I haven't felt in a long time. This puzzled me because in my head I didn't feel like what was happening to me was that big a deal, especially when compared to the other medical problems I've had to deal with in my life. I found out later that the fear I had was a symptom of what was wrong with me. I than felt like I was having what I guess was a panic attack.
          I needed help and needed to get to a phone. The only problem was I had left my cell phone down stairs and I didn't know if my parent's would get my call even if I got to the phone. I  could have called 911, but I wasn't sure if it was worth bothering them with my problem. I didn't even know what was wrong with me in the first place. Just that it all started after eating those two Slim Jim's.
          I than got a familiar feeling that I have only gotten during my most severe medical conditions. No matter how old I am it never seems to change. I got the feeling of fading away, the feeling of losing consciousness, the feeling that death was close. I decided that if I was going to die the least I could do was spare my family the pain of not knowing what caused it.
          I started searching the drawers for a paper and a pen. I wanted to write something like "It was the Slim Jim's". But all I could find was kitchen related items. As I felt my condition start to get worse I decided I should sit down before I fell down. My heart was racing even faster and I had a tight pain building up in my chest. I sat down on our kitchen bench and said a quick prayer to myself. I than did what I tend to do when faced with a problem, I started laughing. I laughed at the thought that I had survived so many severe medical problems in my life and now I was going to be done in by two Slim Jim's. What a stupid way to die.
This story will be concluded in the next post.

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