Thursday, August 18, 2011

My First Real Job

          This post will serve as an introduction for future stories about my old job at a movie theater which I worked at for three years. I would have had stories about my old job posted much sooner, but every time I would think of one I would have another story that I would want to post instead. I'll start off by explaining how I came to work there. It all started when my parents decided that I needed to get a real job so that I could start paying for my own things.
          At this time I was working for my dad at his business, but they wanted me to get a job somewhere else so that I could be an actual employee and be paid at least minimum wage, which is more than what my dad was paying me. So one day my mom told me to get out of the house and to not come back without a job. So I left the house and drove to the place I always dreamed of working at, Game Stop.
          Unfortunately, they were already filled up for the summer so they couldn't take me. Than I tried Block Buster, and they weren't hiring anyone either. I tried another place, but I don't remember where it was. So I decided to drive back home and tell my mom I had no luck, but than I saw the local movie theater across the street. So I drove there and asked for an application to fill out.
          The truth is that at the time I didn't want to work there, it was just my last resort at trying to find a job. So I was a bit unprepared to hear from them that they were willing to hire me. During my years there I developed quite a reputation. I was known as someone that didn't mind doing gross jobs and wasn't concerned about being caught in a heated situation. I imagine this put some value on my head since most of the others hated doing the jobs I was willing to do and most were afraid of getting yelled at by the boss or customers.
          Unfortunately, I had to leave three summers later since I was going to a new college out of the area. Last I saw of the theater it was a pile of rubble, along with the stores next too it. The chain of stores went bankrupt so the whole thing was destroyed. It's a shame because I had some good times there, even before I became an employee. Fortunately I have many fond memories of the place. I left that job with enough horror stories to keep anyone out of the retail business. I hope you enjoy them.

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