Monday, August 1, 2011

Disturbed and Korn Part 3

          The day of the concert I was pumped. I got up and immediately headed for the campus. After parking myself in front of the building where the concert was going to be held, which is called the MAC, I made my way for the radio station. I saw that the parking lot behind the MAC had been blocked off because it was being occupied by three tour busses and some other vehicles. I walked over to the lot and stared in amazement.
          I was standing next to the tour busses of Sevendust, Korn, and Disturbed. Sevendust was joining in the concert along with another band called In This Moment. After getting over the amazement of being there I started looking for someone to talk to about the interview. I found some guy walking around the lot and walked up to him. I showed him my news pass and told him that I was hoping to have a quick interview with one of the bands. He said he had to check with someone else before he could let me do so.  So he walked off to go talk with whoever he needed to.
          So I stayed there and waited in the lot. After standing in the lot for some time freezing I started to get hungary, but I didn't want to leave incase the guy came back. Eventually the hunger got to me and I ran to the cafeteria to quick get a bite to eat. I came back and managed to talk to the same guy again, he said he was still checking with the others to see if it was OK. I than called my younger brother who was driving to the University so the two of us could go to the concert together. I told him that I was trying to set up a chance to meet either Disturbed or Korn and that if I could, I would bring him along once he arrived. Well he was pretty excited about that idea to say the least.
          I finished talking to him, put my cell phone away and waited. I got the crazy idea that maybe if a band sees that I'm freezing outside they may invite me on one of the of the busses since I was the only person around. While I waited in the cold I saw another guy hanging in the lot. Since I was still waiting I decided to have a talk with him to pass the time. He told be that he was with the crew that had the job of setting up the show. So we hung out for a while until more people arrived that were from the stage crew. I watched as they started moving equipment from the vehicles into the MAC.
          I know I talked to somebody else about seeing the band, but I can't remember what was said. I just remember it didn't get me anywhere. As I waited my curiosity got the best of me and I decided I was going to find a way to get into the building to see what they were doing. I once read a quote that basically said "if you walk into a place like you own it, most people won't stop you". So I casually walked down the path and up to the back doors.
          I than walked in with some guys that were carrying equipment, I think I held the door open for them to make myself blend in all the better. As I walked down the hall I saw the guy I had been talking to and made sure to say "hi" as I walked by. I walked into the gym where the concert would be and was greeted by a partially built stage and lots of people hard at work.
          It was an amazing sight to see how they were getting everything ready for the big night. I looked around to see if I could find someone from Disturbed or Korn, but I had no luck. The funny part is that at no point did anyone question me being there and I was free to wonder around. I eventually left because I had to meet my brother in the parking lot. So I went back outside and waited for him to arrive.
          My brother got to the college and I took him to the back to see the tour busses. I decided I would try again to ask somebody about the interview. The truth is though that at this point I didn't care about the interview, I just wanted to meet them in person. I pointed to the back of the MAC building and told my brother that we were going in their to ask about the interview. Since I was the News Director of the college radio station I decided that he could pretend to be my assistant. I didn't think it would go over to well or would look unprofessional if I told them I wanted my younger brother to tag along.
          So I took Nick through the doors and approached a guy that appeared to be in charge. I went to shake his hand and said "Hi, my names Chris, I'm the News Director of the college radio station and this is my assistant. We were hoping to do a quick interview with either Disturbed or Korn". He asked me a few questions and said that he didn't think we would be able to do so. I thanked him for his help and my brother and I left. We than drove back to my apartment to watch TV while waiting for the start time of the show to get closer.
This story will be concluded in the next post.

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