Monday, August 22, 2011

Big Mouth Part 1

          I'm sure that anyone that has gone to the movie theater enough have dealt with this situation. Your watching the movie and some obnoxious teenager or teenagers are making a bunch of noise and interrupting the film. So you wait for a theater employee to kick them out, but no one comes to have them taken out of the theater. This is because when it comes kicking people, especially teens out of a theater, it has to be done very carefully. The reason for this is that the customer can become extremely hostile when they are asked to leave.
          They will keep fighting until it gets to the point that you need to call the police to have them  removed from the theater. Or in some of our cases, they called the the police on our theater and instead got themselves into trouble with the officers. The worst people to kick out are teens. The reason for this is that about eighty percent of the time they will call their parents for help. So then we have to deal with mom or dad who throw threats at us because they think their child was treated unfairly. I want to share about a time when a mother threw tantrum at me and my manager.
          At the time I was working in the ticket booth, which was located at the entrance of the theater. It was in the middle of shows so no customers were approaching. I watched as a fellow worker had two boys escorted out the front door. He than told me that they weren't allowed to come back into the theater because they had been kicked out. They hung out on the side of the building for a bit, than they both approached me and demanded a refund for their tickets.
          After telling them I couldn't give back their money, one of the boys walked away threatening to call his parent. I honestly don't remember who made the call, but I ended up on the phone with my manager who was in the back room. I told him about the kid who was now about to call his parents. He than told me to just give the kid his money because he was too busy to deal with some angry mother or father. I than asked what I was supposed to do with the other kid. He replied that I was to only give a refund to the kid who threatened to call his parents.
          Now I knew that was a very bad idea and that it would have very bad results. I briefly tried to protest, but he again gave the order to just refund the one kid. So I hung up the phone and called the kid over. I gave the boy his money and as I expected, the other walked up to get his money. I told him that I had only been given permission to give the other boy his money. Sure enough the kid walked away and immediately got on the phone with his mom. As luck would have it, I was the one that would have to deal with this ladies fury. This story will be concluded in the next post.

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