Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Facial Damage Part 1

          The title for this post might be a little harsh, but it's the only one I can think of. Any way, this took place two days after my allergy attack. So I was sitting in my beach house doing a paper while my family was out on our wave runners. My mom and dad were driving on one, while my sister and her boyfriend were on the other. As I was writing, I heard our door down stairs open up and someone was running up the stairs. Before my dad reached the top of the stares he was yelling at me to get an ice pack and paper towels  for my sister.
          After asking what was wrong he told me that Chelsea had gotten hurt by getting her face smashed on the wave runner. As I grabbed some ice I saw his hands shaking as he started dialing 911. Just as he started talking I was flying down the stairwell towards the back door. Just as I went to open it I stopped myself. I was afraid of what condition I might find my sister in if I stepped through. But I soon became disappointed in myself for not having the nerve to go outside, especially when I have a reputation for being able to handle gruesome situations.
          I ignored my concerns and walked outside to see my sister laying face down on our chair outside with her boyfriend comforting her. I made my way downstair and saw my sister crying in the chairs with her face swollen. The area around her left eye was so puffed out and bruised that she couldn't open it, while the other side of her face was damaged but not as bad. I gave my mom the ice so that she could hold it on my sisters head. The left side of her face had been cut and had blood leaking out of it. She asked for someone to grab her a pillow for her head, so I ran back upstairs. I crossed paths with my dad and grabbed a pillow off the couch. We both went back down stairs to watch over Chelsea.
          Eventually a police officer arrived on the seen to see how my sister was doing. Soon after the paramedics arrived with a stretch bed for my sister. They asked my family how this had happened to Chelsea. This is the part I had been waiting for because up till this point I didn't know the exact story of what took place.
          It turned out that her boyfriend had been driving at the time with her holding on in the back. He had made a quick sharp turn in an attempt to throw my sister off, but she had held onto him so tight that he was dragged off with her. She hit the water first with him right on top. The reason her face was banged up was because the back of his head smacked into her.  I saw that the back of her boyfriends head was bleeding because she had accidently bitten into it when they hit the water.
          After looking her over, the paramedics had her put on the bed with a neck brace of some kind. Their biggest concern was that she could have a concussion. She was than wheeled into the ambulance, while her boyfriend got the back of his head looked at. The ambulance took off with Chelsea, while her boyfriend went off in another ambulance. My parents wanted me to stay home and watch the dog while they went to meet my sister at the hospital. This story will be concluded in the next post.

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